Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Keean Jacob Huntsinger

Little Keean Jacob Huntsinger came into the world at a whopping 2 lbs. 4 oz. (about 1kg). He's a fighter! Today's update from Grandma Penny is as follows:

"Another great day! The doctors have decided on a "wait and see" approach. So, the IV fluid levels will be slowly decreased in hopes that the hole will close with the lower fluid level - we will have to have faith it will do the trick.

Keean continued to improve his oxygen saturation levels without too many apnea episodes, he had another stool and appeared to be digesting almost all the breast milk he had been given. Travis finally got to hold his son for the first time! That was a very special treat.

Amy said that unless there is a drastic change it is "no good news is good news" meaning I shouldn't call every few hours for updates! Fine, I said. For the first time we all feel that Keean just has to continue to grow and soon he will be home where he belongs. Hooray! Right now his due date of August 9 is the target for him to be able to come home. Paige came home 4 weeks earlier than her due date so I imagine Keean will be just as robust. Those great genes and his fighting nature will due the job. He is Irv's and my grandson after all.

Thanks again for all your support. I'll send any news when I have it. I guess for now we will just have to be patient and wait and see!"

Let's keep the little guy in our best thoughts and most fervent prayers. Don't forget his folks - and the Old Ones as well.

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