Sunday, September 5, 2010

Penny & Irv - September 2010

Dear All;

Just a quick note.  My blood work came back and all the liver function tests were now normal or near normal.

A hepatitis panel was done and somehow, somewhere, totally unknown to me, I contacted Hepatitis A.  I was positive!  I have never been sick enough with the symptoms of hepatitis to ever suspect I'd had it.  Irv had a hepatitis panel at the beginning of his illness and he was negative for all types.  I remember having one done right after Travis was born and I was so sick and I'd had a blood transfusion so the doctor did a hepatitis panel just in case.  It was negative.

I've given blood many times and donated platelets and never had a positive hepatitis test then either.  I haven't donated since the first cancer diagnosis so I must have gotten it during the last 10 years.  But, how and when?  I'm just shocked.  Maybe it was false?

It was my regular doctor that called today not the oncologist.  I wonder what he will have to say about it all?

I AM NOT contagious!  I had it in the past, not currently.

Irv finally has a colonoscopy tomorrow.   He is not happy with the preparation process, especially not being able to eat at all today.  At least it is scheduled for 8:30 am.

That's all for now. 

Love to you all;


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