Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Irv Update - January 2011 #9

The NG tube is outta there! Hooray! Irv still has a very sore throat and he still sounds kind of funny when he talks, but that tube is gone.

He also was moved up to the 5th floor, room 522.

Not only do we have farts, but poo-poo as well! We were all so proud! The nurses even have to view it and try to figure out volume, etc. Isn't that a nice part of a job description?

His heart is still being monitored, but by some device that sends a signal back down to the 2nd floor only if there is an arrhythmia. Or something like that. But, he hasn't had anything like that for over 24 hours so no one is worried.

He was allowed jello and a Popsicle today. He said they were delicious! The cold popsicle especially for his sore throat.

After so much of nothing it is dizzying to have so much progress in such a short time. He does have to manage some Ensure or such type of food tomorrow. If that goes well he could be home by the weekend! He is still getting the TPN via the PICC line because he is still nutritionally deficient.

I'll keep you all informed. It is so nice to see my Irv looking more like himself instead of a barely walking shadow of his former self.


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