Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pictures of J. Anne Hendrickson Isaacson - Posted by Tom

Alice Cantrell, a member of our ward, grew up with Mom. Alice's husband, Jerry, was in every class with Mom through grade school, and in most classes with her throughout Jr. High and High School. He recalls her as the "life of the party." We know that, of course, and it surely shows in many of the following pictures that Alice and others of her classmates gave me recently. I love every one of the pictures, because it really shows Mom for who she is!! In all cases below, I take the position from our perspective as to left or right (my right is left for those in the picture). Click on the picture for a larger image, and to download for yourself!! The quality, unfortunately, are as good as I received.

This is a picture of Mom in her 1st Grade class.
She is sitting at the teachers left, second row.

Mother is in 3rd Grade, here. She is second from the right, front row. Isn't she adorable?

The cast of "Raggedy Anne & Andy." Mom is Raggedy Anne next to
Raggedy Andy seated in front of the cast.
She was in 4th Grade.

Mom, second row, far right, is beginning to look like Mom. 7th Grade, and her "style" is becoming more evident.

8th Grade, and is there any question which is Mom? Front row, far left, and look at that style. Everyone else is staid and formal. Mom is free and flowing with style and classy grace. Her pose speaks confidence (real or feigned??).

Again, look at her classiness. This is surely high school, but I don't know when.
Mom, 4th from the right, is almost defiant in her confidence. The girl, second from Mom's right, tries in vain to be as natural.