Friday, September 16, 2011

Irv Update - September 2011 #11

Dear F&F; We had a tough drive home. Every semi-truck and slow driver in the entire northwest were on the roads we were on. There was an accident that closed Hiway 97 from Toppenish to Goldendale so we had to go to Mabton and then take a narrow, twisty, two lane road to Bickelton and then on to Goldendale. Put us way behind and we missed being able to pick up the puppies by 25 minutes! $#@^&)*&^% I say. We will have to drive about 120 miles round trip to pick them up tomorrow. Our sore travel butts don't think that is a good idea and we are sure the pups knew we were coming and are very angry with us! People have asked how long the pathology takes. Well, pathologist are prima donna's and do not work on the weekends and apparently only up to 8 hours a day, not more. We hope for results tomorrow, probably not until Monday. GRRRR. With the way insurance companies, etc. push people out of the hospital you would think that the path docs would have to change their ways in order to get people the care and treatment they need in a timely manner. I'm cleaning up the house, dealing with all the paperwork for tax purposes and our own medical record keeping and doing laundry. We only expected to be gone 4 days, not 10! I did one batch of laundry at the motel, but........ Irv hopes to sleep the entire night for the first time in 10 nights! We are finally tapering his prednisone dose so his glucoses are very erratic from that, as well as the blocked pancreatic duct. He is testing 4 times a day and we have only been able to skip one short-acting insulin dose since we were trained on Tues. That means 4 insulin shots each day! Puts a whole new face on what diabetes means to a person. When I know anything, you will know it. We probably will be returning to Seattle next Thurs. Sept 22, but await the path reports to be sure. Love you all; Penny

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